
Meet the Greens!


Welcome! We’re Benjamin and Meredith Green!

If you were coming to our home, we would be sure to show you our cute, red front door. We would welcome you into our tiny living room, and we would definitely say, “Excuse the mess” (there never seems to be an end to the mess). Since you are joining us online, though, we’ll just say, “Welcome, we’re glad you’re here. Here’s a bit about us…”

Benjamin and Meredith Green

We are a couple of desert dwelling, fun-loving high school sweethearts. We got married at the ages of 19 and 20, right in the middle of our sophomore year of college. That might sound crazy, but we were head-over-heels in love, fully committed to one another, and ready to do the rest of our growing up together.

nose squishNow, we have moved back to our hometown, bought a house, and had a baby — the sweetest, most adorable baby on the face of the Earth! Life is pretty chaotic, but through it all it is good by the grace of God.

Benjamin spends his days working as the Ministries Coordinator for our church and working with OUTSET doing web design and a podcast called Second Look. (If you are at all interested in politics, feel free to check him out there.) He also can be found playing the piano every spare minute he gets and is a bit obsessed with table games…

Meredith stays home with their little baby girl and is also homeschooling her younger sister. In other words, no two days are at all alike! She graduated with a teaching degree and loves to see how those skills are being used in so many ways from homeschooling to children’s ministry. Other than teaching, she loves to write, garden, bake, and dream about traveling.


We started blogging to explore how the Bible is absolutely applicable to everyday life — how it is more than just side commentary but should be the very basis of our lives following Christ. We were frustrated that a lot of our own life plans and almost all of the advice we received were just based on conventional wisdom. People did things because that’s how things were done and that’s how they had always been done. We are learning for ourselves that that’s just not good enough and we are sharing that journey here.

Thanks for stopping by and we hope you stick around! If you want to get to know us better or get a peek into our lives, follow us on Instagram, Facebook, or Twitter!